Just purchased in no time!

This client doesn’t kid around! When you have a one-week house-hunting trip planned it’s important to be practical and active – he is always both of those. Thanks for calling when it was time to move Carl!  

#ottawarealestate #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes #realestate #ottawabusiness #ottawarealestateagent #remax #Canada #ottawarealtors #ottawahomesforsale #realestateagent #realestateottawa

June 2024 – Fast Facts!

Numbers are down slightly from both last month and last year in terms of price. Great news for buyers. Days on market is pretty much holding steady at apx one month for an average sale… This could be the calm before the storm if rates continue to decline…  #ottawarealestate #ottawarealtor #ottawahomesforsale #tomsapinskilovesottawa 

Home Sweet Home!

Wow! This home has so many great features! Years of memories will be made in this gorgeous backyard. Another huge thanks to E and K for their patience and perseverance. Buying and selling homes is not an easy thing to do – neither is keeping such a cool head through it all! Congrats again!  #ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes #realestate #ottawalife #ottawaliving…

Another home gone!

Such a great purchase, backing onto Greenspace on a HUGE LOT! Massive thanks to these longtime clients for reaching out when it was time to find a fixer upper… Some elbow grease and design work will turn this house into a wonderful home! 


#ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes

#realestate #myottawa #ottawalife #ottcity #ottawaliving

#realtor #yow #ottawabusiness #ottawacity #kanata

#ottawarealestateagent #remax #ontario #ottawatourism

#orleans #ottawarealtors #canada #stittsville #ottawaeast

#ottawahomesforsale #ottawaontario #househunting

#realestateagent #barrhaven #realestateottawa #ottawaphoto

New Purchase!

These investor clients were referred by their daughter who worked with me years ago! Had to jump through some hurdles with the condo but everything was resolved and they’ll be taking possession this summer! Congrats! 


#ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes

#realestate #myottawa #ottawalife #ottcity #ottawaliving

#realtor #yow #ottawabusiness #ottawacity #kanata

#ottawarealestateagent #remax #ontario #ottawatourism

#orleans #ottawarealtors #canada #stittsville #ottawaeast

#ottawahomesforsale #ottawaontario #househunting

#realestateagent #barrhaven #realestateottawa #ottawaphoto