Rank My Agent Review
What a wonderful review! This is so inspiring and truly what keeps me going! #greatclients #ottawarealestate #tomsapinskilovesottawa #clientappreciation
What a wonderful review! This is so inspiring and truly what keeps me going! #greatclients #ottawarealestate #tomsapinskilovesottawa #clientappreciation
Wow! This home has so many great features! Years of memories will be made in this gorgeous backyard. Another huge thanks to E and K for their patience and perseverance. Buying and selling homes is not an easy thing to do – neither is keeping such a cool head through it all! Congrats again! #ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes #realestate #ottawalife #ottawaliving…
So nice when things work out for great people! Big congrats to Erick and Kathleen on selling their first home and moving onto their next adventure!
#ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes
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So nice working with some of my longest tenured clients! Huge thanks to Bryan and Susan for sticking with me all these years!
Residential numbers are down from last month but condo pricing has increased significantly… Same scenario on a yearly basis… Some investors might have been trying to stay ahead of interest rate decreases – which could lead to higher prices. Condos are a very common investment vehicle… #ottawarealestate #ottawarealtor #ottawahomesforsale #tomsapinskilovesottawa #ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor #ottawahomes #realestate #myottawa #ottawalife #ottcity #ottawaliving #realtor #yow #ottawabusiness #ottawacity #kanata…
#ottawarealestate #ottawa #ottawarealtor
#ottawahomes #realestate #myottawa
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#yow #ottawabusiness #ottawacity #kanata
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